Brand Refresh
Sometimes brand assets stagnate and begin to look the part of a broken down car parked in a sad lonely spot in your uncle’s backyard. Let’s get together and unfuck that yuck. It’s time for a brand refresh and a daring new dream. Like any good makeover the before and after visuals will have you wondering how you ever let it go this far. But, let’s shake that state of shock you’re in and create shockingly striking impressions on your customers. Mother Puffin Creative offers a brand refresh that builds upon and beautifies the elements of your brand that you love, and replaces those poor post mortem brand assets that have long bit the dust.
New Logo + Logo system, new brand feel/look, updates to collateral throughout brand
Refined Logo + Logo system, new brand feel/look, updates to collateral throughout brand, website
Logo refinement + Logo system, new brand feel/look, new color system, social content
rebranding services
Rebrand Services
Full Rebrand
Partial Rebrand
Brand Refresh
Brand Identity Systems
Website Updates
Corporate Identity Pieces
Sales and Marketing Collateral Support
Positioning Rebrands
Brand Consolidations
Brand Extensions